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Welcome to a less-explored side of our beautiful Goa – Mollem National Park

??? Welcome to a less-explored side of our beautiful Goa. Far from the sun-soaked beaches and lively shacks, there is a whole different world that resides in the dense, verdant forests of the Mollem National Park. This stunning cartoon aims to capture the diverse tapestry of life that thrives in these jungles, from playful monkeys swinging in the treetops to majestic elephants roaming freely in their natural habitat. Look closer, and you might spot the fluttering wings of myriad butterflies and even the elusive tiger lurking in the shadows. Nestled amidst this thriving ecosystem is a symbol of our rich cultural heritage, an ancient Hindu temple called Tambdi Surla, echoing tales of time immemorial. A harmonious co-existence of nature and culture, this lesser-known face of Goa is a testament to our region’s ecological wealth and historical significance. However, our beloved park faces severe threats today. It’s upon us, the inhabitants and lovers of Goa, to stand up for the protection of this natural treasure. Let’s come together to ensure that the vibrant wildlife and lush greenery continue to flourish, that the temple’s bells keep resonating through the forest, and that the future generations get to discover and admire this incredible piece of paradise. #GoanToons #GoaLife #MollemNationalPark #WildlifeOfGoa #HiddenGoa #Ecotourism #SaveOurForests #TropicalParadise #EverydayGoa #ProtectWildlife #GoaBeyondBeaches


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