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Say hello to the iconic lighthouse at Fort Aguada

⚓? Say hello to the iconic lighthouse at Fort Aguada, standing tall against the backdrop of the tropical monsoon rains. ?⛈ Built in 1612 by the Portuguese, Fort Aguada was a fortress of protection and a symbol of grandeur, an invincible guard against invasions. Lighting the way since 1864, its lighthouse holds the honour of being the first of its kind in Asia. A beacon of light in the storm, it whispers tales of the historic times. ? Today, it stands not just as a popular tourist spot, but as a cherished piece of our heritage, a testament to Goa’s vibrant history and the Portuguese influence that adds depth to our culture. Join us as we pay tribute to this architectural marvel, a sentinel that has silently witnessed the changing tides of time, yet continues to hold its ground, radiating the resilient spirit of Goa. #GoanToons #FortAguada #Lighthouse #GoanHeritage #PortugueseLegacy #MonsoonInGoa #HistoricLandmarks #TimelessGoa Source

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