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Our cartoon today takes us down memory lane, along the Velha Goa road

⛪? Our cartoon today takes us down memory lane, along the Velha Goa road, a stretch that’s not just a path, but a journey through time. Overlooking the scene is a majestic white church, nestled amidst emerald hills, under a cloudy Goan sky. This vista, steeped in nostalgia, captures the essence of old Goa, a remnant of a time when the Portuguese first settled here. The lush greenery, the wide roads devoid of the hustle and bustle, the tranquil charm of the past… it’s all part of our treasured heritage. However, it’s also a reminder of a concerning reality. Our cherished green cover is fast depleting, vanishing under the weight of illegal encroachments and expansive building projects. The soul of Goa, its unparalleled natural beauty, and its unique identity are under threat. It’s time for us to pay attention, to rally for the conservation of what makes Goa special. We need to preserve the verdant landscapes, the quaint lanes, the old-world charm, and the harmony between man and nature. As we journey through the nostalgic Velha Goa road, let’s remember our responsibility towards preserving this heritage. We’re not just inhabitants of this land, but its custodians. Let’s work together to keep the essence of our beautiful Goa alive for generations to come. ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #OldGoa #GoaVelha #EverydayGoa #GoaHeritage #Conservation #PreserveNature #SaveGoa #GreenGoa Source

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