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In the local markets of Goa, you’ll find our adorable, sociable Goan cats!

?‍⬛?? In the local markets of Goa, you’ll find our adorable, sociable Goan cats! It’s easy to spot such an orange and white tabby, confidently perched amidst the chaos, unbothered by the commotion around it. These cats aren’t just spectators to the vibrant market scene; they’re an integral part of our local life. One might wonder, what makes Goan cats different? You’ll find them coexisting happily with locals, always ready for a cuddle, and hardly ever feral. They’re well-fed, friendly, and unlike their counterparts in other regions, they roam freely, enjoying the warmth and love of the Goan community. In Goa, we believe in a harmonious coexistence with all creatures. Our cats are no exception. They are treated as part of the community, welcomed into homes, and offered food and affection. It’s not just the sunshine and the beaches that make Goa unique; it’s also the way we extend our hospitality to our feline friends! So, let’s celebrate our furry companions and their special place in our Goan life. They’re more than just pets; they’re part of our community, our culture, our ‘susegado’ lifestyle. Purr-fect, isn’t it? ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #GoanCats #MarketDay #CatLovers #EverydayGoa #CatsOfGoa #FurryFriends #CommunityCats #PawsomeGoa Source

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