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Every Goan morning has a soundtrack, and it’s the delightful squeak of the Poder

?? Every Goan morning has a soundtrack, and it’s the delightful squeak of the Poder’s bicycle horn echoing through the neighbourhood! This cartoon celebrates these heroes who keep our Goan tradition alive, come rain or shine. The Poder is more than just a bread seller. They’re a symbol of our rich culture and heritage, a familiar figure who brings with them the warmth and charm of a Goan morning. Their daily rounds, bearing a basket full of freshly baked ‘Poi’ – the much-loved Goan buns, is a tradition that’s as old as the hills and just as enduring. Despite their modest means, the Poders play a crucial role in our daily lives. Before the day begins for most of us, they’re out on their bicycles, their air horns a cheerful call to breakfast. And many of us respond, stepping out of our homes to buy the day’s bread and share a word or two with them. Their dedication, resilience, and spirit are what make them an integral part of our community. They symbolize the quintessential Goan spirit – hardworking, dedicated, and ever-cheerful. So, let’s raise a toast (a Poi toast, of course!) to our beloved Poders, the bearers of Goan traditions, and an essential part of our mornings. We couldn’t imagine a day without them! ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #Poder #GoanBread #Poi #EverydayGoa #MorningRituals #GoanTradition #UnsungHeroes #SusegadoLife Source

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