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Dig in, Goa style! Today’s Goan Thali illustration takes you on a mouth-watering journey

Dig in, Goa style! Today’s GoanToons illustration takes you on a mouth-watering journey to the heart of Goan cuisine – a lip-smacking, delectable Modso Fish Thali! ???? Just imagine: a rustic setting, your senses awakened by the rich aroma wafting from the thali, set on a fresh banana leaf. The star of the show is Modso, a cherished lemon fish, grilled to perfection. Accompanied by a spread of fragrant rice, a generous dollop of tangy pickle, a heavenly curry, and a side of fresh salad. A quintessential Goan meal, the fish thali is rich with flavors, textures, and smells, that echoes the soul of this coastal paradise. Local spices blended meticulously, fish fresh from the sea, and the zestful joy of a good meal, it’s the Goan way of life served on a platter. Fish thalis aren’t just a tourist attraction, they’re a part of Goan heritage, loved by locals, craved by travellers. It’s not just a meal; it’s an experience, an invitation to taste the love, warmth and rich traditions of Goa. Come, join us as we celebrate the diverse culinary delights of Goa, one thali at a time! #GoanToons #GoanCuisine #FishThali #ModsoFish #GoanHeritage #TasteOfGoa #FoodParadise #GoaFoodLove #GoaLife Source

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