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Author: Sunil

Our cartoon today takes us down memory lane, along the Velha Goa road

⛪? Our cartoon today takes us down memory lane, along the Velha Goa road, a stretch that’s not just a path, but a journey through time. Overlooking the scene is a majestic white church, nestled amidst emerald hills, under a cloudy Goan sky. This vista, steeped in nostalgia, captures the essence of old Goa, a remnant of a time when the Portuguese first settled here. The lush greenery, the wide roads devoid of the hustle and bustle, the tranquil charm of the past… it’s all part of our treasured heritage. However, it’s also a reminder of a concerning reality. Our cherished green cover is fast depleting, vanishing under the weight of illegal encroachments and expansive building projects. The soul of Goa, its unparalleled natural beauty, and its unique identity are under threat. It’s time for us to pay attention, to rally for the conservation of what makes Goa special. We need to preserve the verdant landscapes, the quaint lanes, the old-world charm, and the harmony between man and nature. As we journey through the nostalgic Velha Goa road, let’s remember our responsibility towards preserving this heritage. We’re not just inhabitants of this land, but its custodians. Let’s work together to keep the essence of our beautiful Goa alive for generations to come. ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #OldGoa #GoaVelha #EverydayGoa #GoaHeritage #Conservation #PreserveNature #SaveGoa #GreenGoa Source

Every Goan morning has a soundtrack, and it’s the delightful squeak of the Poder

?? Every Goan morning has a soundtrack, and it’s the delightful squeak of the Poder’s bicycle horn echoing through the neighbourhood! This cartoon celebrates these heroes who keep our Goan tradition alive, come rain or shine. The Poder is more than just a bread seller. They’re a symbol of our rich culture and heritage, a familiar figure who brings with them the warmth and charm of a Goan morning. Their daily rounds, bearing a basket full of freshly baked ‘Poi’ – the much-loved Goan buns, is a tradition that’s as old as the hills and just as enduring. Despite their modest means, the Poders play a crucial role in our daily lives. Before the day begins for most of us, they’re out on their bicycles, their air horns a cheerful call to breakfast. And many of us respond, stepping out of our homes to buy the day’s bread and share a word or two with them. Their dedication, resilience, and spirit are what make them an integral part of our community. They symbolize the quintessential Goan spirit – hardworking, dedicated, and ever-cheerful. So, let’s raise a toast (a Poi toast, of course!) to our beloved Poders, the bearers of Goan traditions, and an essential part of our mornings. We couldn’t imagine a day without them! ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #Poder #GoanBread #Poi #EverydayGoa #MorningRituals #GoanTradition #UnsungHeroes #SusegadoLife Source

In the local markets of Goa, you’ll find our adorable, sociable Goan cats!

?‍⬛?? In the local markets of Goa, you’ll find our adorable, sociable Goan cats! It’s easy to spot such an orange and white tabby, confidently perched amidst the chaos, unbothered by the commotion around it. These cats aren’t just spectators to the vibrant market scene; they’re an integral part of our local life. One might wonder, what makes Goan cats different? You’ll find them coexisting happily with locals, always ready for a cuddle, and hardly ever feral. They’re well-fed, friendly, and unlike their counterparts in other regions, they roam freely, enjoying the warmth and love of the Goan community. In Goa, we believe in a harmonious coexistence with all creatures. Our cats are no exception. They are treated as part of the community, welcomed into homes, and offered food and affection. It’s not just the sunshine and the beaches that make Goa unique; it’s also the way we extend our hospitality to our feline friends! So, let’s celebrate our furry companions and their special place in our Goan life. They’re more than just pets; they’re part of our community, our culture, our ‘susegado’ lifestyle. Purr-fect, isn’t it? ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #GoanCats #MarketDay #CatLovers #EverydayGoa #CatsOfGoa #FurryFriends #CommunityCats #PawsomeGoa Source

Amidst the bustle of local markets, you will find the humble fruit vendors of Goa

??? Amidst the bustle of local markets, you will find the backbone of our famous Goan cuisines – the humble fruit vendors. This cartoon captures the spirit of one such vendor, a beacon of strength, resilience, and undying cheerfulness, despite her humble circumstances. These local sellers bring us the freshest fruits, vegetables, and ingredients that are integral to our traditional recipes. Rain or shine, year-round, they show up with their vibrant baskets filled with nature’s bounty, their stalls a splash of color and a source of nourishment for us all. Yet, it’s essential to remember that behind their smiles lie stories of hard work and struggle. Each fruit sold contributes to their livelihood, supporting their families and dreams. So, as we haggle over prices, let’s remember the hands that toiled to bring these fruits to our tables. We encourage everyone to support these local heroes by buying their produce and, importantly, by avoiding unnecessary bargaining. Every rupee counts for them, and every purchase we make can help improve their lives. So, the next time you spot a fruit vendor in the market, greet them with a smile, buy some of their fresh fruits, and appreciate the important role they play in our Goan society. Let’s celebrate our unsung heroes, the fruit vendors, for their ceaseless contribution to our everyday lives in Goa. ??? #GoanToons #GoaLife #LocalHeroes #SupportLocal #NoBargain #EverydayGoa #GoanCuisine #RespectHustle #GoaCommunity #FruitVendors Source

A rainy day in the charming neighbourhood of Fontainhas

[ad_1] ?️☂️ A rainy day in the charming neighbourhood of Fontainhas, Goa’s colourful ode to its Portuguese past! This cartoon captures a typical monsoon scene – a Goan lady strolling under an umbrella along the vibrant streets of old Fontainhas. The cascading rain and the vibrant houses, all come together to paint a vivid and nostalgic picture of Goa. Nestled in the heart of Panjim, Fontainhas was once the administrative centre during the Portuguese rule. Today, it stands as a vibrant testament to our shared cultural heritage, its narrow streets and colourful houses narrating stories of a bygone era. Each home here, with its vibrant colours and Portuguese-style architecture, is a canvas of art. As the rain washes over these streets, it seems as if each hue becomes more vibrant, each corner more inviting. Amidst this symphony of colours, the pitter-patter of rain brings with it a rhythm that’s uniquely Goan. If you wish to soak in the essence of Goa’s cultural heritage, a walk through the rain-drenched lanes of Fontainhas is a must. Every turn reveals a new hue, every corner echoes a different tale. It’s here where the old-world charm of Goa comes alive. So, let’s explore, let’s cherish, and let’s celebrate the vibrant legacy of Fontainhas, the colourful heart of our beautiful Goa! ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #Fontainhas #PortugueseHeritage #ColourfulGoa #MonsoonInGoa #WalkingInRain #CulturalHeritage #EverydayGoa #GoaBeyondBeaches [ad_2] Source

Behold the charm and grandeur of Goan Portuguese architecture

[ad_1] ?? Behold the charm and grandeur of Goa’s Portuguese architecture, encapsulated in this beautiful cartoon! Brightly hued, surrounded by tropical flora, and echoing with stories of times gone by, these stunning Goan homes stand as vibrant reminders of our shared history and cultural heritage. Our cartoon illustrates a captivating blue Portuguese Goan home – its large balcaões (balconies), towering roof, and ornate oyster-shell windows, all telling tales of a bygone era. These homes are much more than architectural marvels – they’re the heart of our vibrant communities, spaces of warmth, love, and age-old Goan hospitality. Parked in the driveway is a vintage car, a fitting tribute to the timeless charm of these homes. The combination creates an image that’s so quintessentially Goan – a blend of tradition and charm that’s hard to resist! Eager to delve deeper into the fascinating world of Goan architecture? Make a visit to the ‘Houses of Goa museum,’ an institution dedicated to preserving and showcasing the architectural wonders of Goa. ?? #GoanToons #GoaLife #PortugueseArchitecture #GoanHomes #VintageCharm #CulturalHeritage #EverydayGoa #HousesOfGoaMuseum #TimelessGoa [ad_2] Source
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